Study Hacks to Ace your Exams in Dubai

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For almost every student, the most stressful situation is memorizing. As there are huge chances, most of the time, half of the information slips from your mind. However, the right way of online tutoring, along with amazing study hacks, will help you ace the examination. Allocating time and preparing the questions will help you change your learning game. So, further in this blog, let’s find some of the study hacks by the best online tutors in Dubai. 

  1. Pomodoro Technique 

As per many of the Best IGCSE tuitions in UAE, this technique is great for helping students become efficient. Using this technique, you are required to study for 25 minutes only and then take a break. By dividing the study sessions into shorter intervals, you can process the information easily. This helps students become more focused, retain information, and stay highly motivated.

2. Study at the Optimal Period

Best GCSE Tuition in Dubai suggests studying at the time intervals when you are mostly alert. If you wake up suddenly in the morning, use that time to maximize learning. This will give you a great study session time in half of the time compared to other time slots. Try analyzing periods when your mind is most likely to drift. This way, you can analyze the period when you were less productive.

3. Start Practicing Meditation

We human beings are required to switch off daily. If you’re mostly stressed, try detoxifying your mind for a few minutes. Deep breaths and exercises like yoga will help you gain clarity. You can use some of the good apps available online to practice meditation. The meditation will help you calm your senses and clear up your headspace.

4. Become a Pro in Colour Coding 

Words written in black-on-white space that, too, line after line, are not a great stimulator for the mind. This is where mastering the art of colour coding can help make a difference. But, you need to take some time to strategize colours for different information. Otherwise, you will delve into a rainbow mess. For instance, you can use a yellow highlighter for definitions, a green for statistics, and a pink highlighter for any events and data.

5. Ditch Procrastination in just 5 Minutes

You’re not alone in the space where things are getting done in the imaginary world. However, magical time does not exist at all. So, it is advisable to set a time of at least 5 minutes to plan to stay motivated. Moreover, this technique is recommended by many time management experts apart from GCSE Tuition Online in Dubai.

6. Test your Knowledge Periodically

Best IB Online Tuitions in UAE recommends that you get into a habit of testing yourself while going through your chapter pages and notes. The better tactic is to take a small test after each topic, major point, or maybe a chapter. To enhance your knowledge and take a tough test, you can pick questions from an advanced book or maybe a video online based on the particular topic.

In the End!

The Best ICSE Online Tuition in UAE suggests that there will be plenty of studying techniques. But repetition and frequency are almost above everything else. After all, the brain can store more information that is repeated.

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